
05 May, 2009

Text from a drama

The world as we know it is dull and mundane
And no longer can we say that
“Original thought exists”
The fact is
“Everyday is no different from today”
And not
“Tomorrow will be different from yesterday”
Let it be said that
In the future
Beauty will be skin-deep and manufactured
It is wrong to assert that
We are meant to create
Human potential is limited
And no longer will we believe that
We were made in His image
In truth, because
Our generation will prefer to live
a lie
“Our children will know no better” will be
The saying of this generation
The truth of today
Should be
The institution of marriage
Is false
“Love is an illusion”
I tell you this
Families cannot stay together
It is foolish to presume
my peers and I care
Let it be said that
Humans will always be selfish
I do not agree that
Life should be celebrated
The truth is
Our lives are meaningless
I do not believe that
We are fearfully and wonderfully made
It is evident that
Our creation was an accident
It is wrong to think
We were created with a purpose

And God said "Let there be Light", and He reversed the Darkness

We were created with a purpose
It is wrong to think
Our creation was an accident
It is evident that
We are fearfully and wonderfully made
I do not believe that
Our lives are meaningless
The truth is
Life should be celebrated
I do not agree that
Humans will always be selfish
Let it be said that
my peers and I care
It is foolish to presume
Families cannot stay together
I tell you this
“Love is an illusion”
Is false
The institution of marriage
Should be
The truth of today
The saying of this generation
“Our children will know no better” will be
a lie
Our generation will prefer to live
In truth, because
We were made in His image
And no longer will we believe that
Human potential is limited
We are meant to create
It is wrong to assert that
Beauty will be skin-deep and manufactured
In the future
Let it be said that
“Tomorrow will be different from yesterday”
And not
“Everyday is no different from today”
The fact is
“Original thought exists”
And no longer can we say that
The world as we know it is dull and mundane

Words written by Daryl Yeo & Eddie


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